Canon Ascent Programme

Support til forretningsudvikling, der kan hjælpe jer med at afdække nye muligheder og udfordre jeres forretnings status quo nu og fremover

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Vi præsenterer Canon Ascent Programme

Et forretningsudviklingsinitiativ, der er designet til at understøtte vores kunders succes nu og i fremtiden. Programmet, der er åbent for alle Canons Professional Print-kunder, når de har fået en invitation, er skræddersyet til jeres mål og ambitioner og har til formål at inspirere aktivitet med indsigt, workshops, mentorordninger og deling af fællesskabets viden. Det leveres af førende eksterne eksperter og Canon-specialister og tilbyder support på tværs af forretningsfunktioner, herunder salg og marketing, og leverer værdifulde perspektiver på en lang række trends og emner. Canon Ascent Programme tilbyder en blandet tilgang til fjernsamarbejde og engagement ansigt til ansigt for at understøtte jeres behov.

Canon Ascent Programme

Mød vores mentorer

Mentorsupport, der er tilgængelig i Canon Ascent Programme, giver jer adgang til en branchespecialist, når I har brug for det, via en fleksibel plan - fra enkeltstående møder og ad hoc-møder til regelmæssige møder, enten personligt eller eksternt, alt efter hvad der passer til jeres forhold.

Tilmeld jer Canon Ascent Programme

Jacky Hobson

Jacky Hobson

Jacky har 30 års marketingerfaring, primært fra printbranchen, og udvikler marketingstrategier, planer og taktikker til at understøtte kundernes forretningsplaner.

Jo Lloyd

Jo Lloyd

Jo har uvurderlig erfaring inden for printbranchen med fokus på salg, administration, adfærdsmæssig træning og teamarbejde.

Marion Stefani

Marian Stefani

Marian har masser af erfaring inden for virksomhedsplanlægning med "formål", med specialistekspertise på tværs af en række emner, herunder grafisk design, workflow, innovation og forretningsstrategi for digitalt print.

Richard Mayer

Richard Mayer

Richards kerneekspertise ligger på tværs af marketingmixet med fokus på kundeindsigt, marketingplanlægning, marketingkommunikation og vigtigheden af brand.

Ole-Bengt Moe

Ole-Bengt Moe

Ole-Bengt har omfattende ekspertise inden for forretningsinnovation, herunder salgsledelse, processer, virksomhedsvækst og ledelsessupport.

Be Consultative

Have the right conversation, every time.

Have the right conversation, every time

The importance of planning your customer conversations, and utilising effective, proven techniques to ensure you gain a thorough picture of each client's situation.

Are you really listening? Or are you waiting for your turn to talk?

Are you really listening? Or are you waiting for your turn to talk?

How to recognise the 'learnt' techniques that prevent active listening and a strategy designed to help you change your behaviour.

Ten ways to add value to your customers

Ten ways to add value to your customers

Key ways to help you move the perception of print from a commodity purchase to a key element of your customers' marketing campaigns.

Be Knowledgeable

Nothing Happens in Isolation

Nothing Happens in Isolation

When a customer requests a quote, there may be more to it than you think. Delve deeper to discover how you can help them to succeed whilst maximising the sales value.

Ten Ways to Improve your Business and Personal Performance

Ten Ways to Improve your Business and Personal Performance

Ideas to enable continual improvement, from a professional and personal viewpoint, and to not let daily tasks impede learning and development.

Think Like a Customer

Think Like a Customer

Exploring how clients buy in today's "always on" world, how PSPs can align with the customer buying process, and the value of customer profiling to achieve this.

Be Different

A Fresh Approach for Better Results

A Fresh Approach for Better Results

Avoid falling into the same old traps when trying to find new business. Ways to review your client and prospect base and build a sales strategy to revitalise your results.

Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing

Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing

Introducing how effective risk analysis and scenario planning models can fit into your business plan and help determine "where next?" for your business.

Be Accountable

Data Analytics for Marketers

Data Analytics for Marketers

With data analytics becoming increasingly important, how can PSPs help, understand and win a greater share of the marketer's budget?

Smart, Connected Print

Smart, Connected Print

Discover how the latest print innovations complement the digital channels, deliver insight and critically improve the marketer's much needed "Return on Investment"

Why LTV is such a powerful metric

Why LTV is such a powerful metric

Understand how customer lifetime value helps you channel your marketing effectively and target customers that maximise your profitability.

Be Creative

Refine your pitch to clients

Refine your pitch to clients

Crystal-clear communication avoids confusion, highlights your creative approach and helps cement your position as a trusted partner.

Ways to inspire using your expertise and experience

Ways to inspire using your expertise and experience

It has never been more important to substantiate your skills and experience and these “showing vs telling” tactics outline how PSPs can inspire and educate their customers.

Be Proactive

“Importance of mapping” - localisation

“Importance of mapping” - localisation

Exploring the importance of a smooth journey from prospect to client, outlining some useful and practical tips to help the PSP make it a reality.

Why customer relationship management is so important

Why customer relationship management is so important

What is really meant by "customer relationship management" and how to build systems and processes that help both you and your customers.

Identifying customer wants and needs

Identifying customer wants and needs

Practical and easily achievable ideas to help you better understand your customers and, as a result, satisfy their needs.

Be Digital

How personalisation achieves greater results and ROI

How personalisation achieves greater results and ROI

How sophisticated and data-driven personalisation spurs interest, initiates responses and nudges a customer along the journey to sales.

How digital applications add value to the client

How digital applications add value to the client

PSPs now have a wealth of technology to help them reduce costs, minimise errors, improve turnaround times and deliver campaign measurability and ROI to customers.

Be Agile

Streamline the customer journey

Streamline the customer journey

The importance of automation for the PSP of the future and how and where it can come into play most effectively in your business.

Andre løsninger

Digital Presses

Digitale printere

High-volume printløsninger – perfekte til interne trykkerier eller kommercielle miljøer

Business Software

Software til erhverv

Softwareløsninger, som kan transformere den måde, I driver forretning på

Cut Sheet Presses


Driftssikre og yderst effektive kommercielle printere, der er perfekte til internt print og publicering.

Continuous Feed Printers


Omfattende printløsninger til bøger, aviser, direct mail og meget mere

Workflow Software


Øg din produktivitet, reducér omkostninger, og levér til de mest krævende tidsfrister med vores serie af workflow-software.

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